We’ve gathered a variety of resources that showcase how an EnPak® can help work truck fleets reduce downtime, boost productivity, save on maintenance costs, offer a quieter and more comfortable workspace, and optimize power. Please have a look around!
Turbo charged diesel engine delivering high torque at idle speed — saving on fuel and reducing noise
Truck battery monitoring and recharging to reduce potential operator downtime
Low sound output — 69.1 dB when fully loaded — creating a more comfortable work environment for techs
Intuitive visual dashboard allowing operators to easily control the air compressor, welder, and more
Less usage of space allowing for greater payload capacity
Learn more about the EnPak® and hear from satisied customers on how the all-in-one unit makes their work easier.
Many factors affect the total cost of ownership of your work trucks — and some of them aren’t easily accounted for. This checklist offers insight into the most important considerations.
Questions? Our knowledgeable sales team is waiting to connect! We invite you to contact us to learn more about the EnPak® or schedule an on-site demo.